Time :: The Space Between Two
Building off of our earlier piece Vanishing Point, this show exists in a series of still, bright moments punctuated by absolute darkness. Light defines the disparate moments that are visible. Suspended moments are captured by the light of a slide projector. Time speeds up and boundaries are dissolved by a strobe.
No matter how close we become, we are always trapped in our own box of light. We never have all the information. We are always assembling our sense of story and each other from the fragments we see.
What gets lost in the infinity between two points?
Local Infinities' first international performance, The Space Between Two represented the U.S. at Kyiv Travnevy, the international theater festival in Kiev (Kyiv), Ukraine.
Kyiv Travnevy, International Theater Festival
Theatre on Podol, Kyiv, Ukraine / 2001
Performed by Meghan Strell & Terry Sofianos
Vanishing Point / Links Hall / 2001
Performed by Charlie Levin and Meghan Strell
Developed by Charlie Levin and Meghan Strell
Original Music by Lichen (Thomas Yager-Madden)
Photo by Meghan Strell
Terry Sofianos in The Space Between Two / Photo by Charlie Levin
Meghan Strell in The Space Between Two / Photo by Charlie Levin