Tree 1, 60 x 40 inches, charcoal on paper

Installation Art

The One Truthiness (Participatory Performance series) →

"Provocative and brilliantly performed. The most interesting, thought-provoking, creative performance I have ever experienced." 
— audience member, The One Truthiness

Discover yourself in a series using live painting, journalistic and poetic text, music, and conversation to immerse the audience in a world that lays different lived experiences side-by-side in a ground-breaking form where every layer underscores how our individual perspectives shape our opinion of the world and its possibilities.

"The world would be a better place if we were all more like Charlie Levin." — John Beer / New City

Interactive Paintings →

Large-scale encaustic (wax) on glass/acrylic with light. Viewers trigger sensors that change the direction of the light on the painting. Images are layered on one side of the glass. Front-lighting shows a solid material image. Back-lighting dissolves the image into a glowing, time-based, interactive experience about engagement, perception, reality, and interpretation.

Second Sight — Exodus, 18 x 7 feet (handheld video in studio)

Warrior, 20x18” — The only thing happening in this video is light rising behind the painting, triggered by a sensor as a viewer approaches.

Illuminated paintings →

Backlit wax on transparent surfaces

Performance →

"... wrenching images that haunt the psyche and lift the spirits."  — Chicago Sun-Times

"She has that kind of courage. To put impermanence in."  —